I've recently been in touch with Debbie Martyr of Flora and Fauna International. She works in Kerinci Seblat National Park in Central Sumatra, Indonesia. Although primarily concerned with anti-poaching efforts and conflict mitigation with tigers, Debbie also encounters a wide variety of wildlife through her work. Debbie has cared for and released snared or injured animals brought to her by park rangers as well young, confiscated carnivores such as bears, binturongs, golden cats, flat-headed cats, and marbled cats. Last year she cared for and released two young clouded leopards injured by wild pig snares. Here's a photo of the young male with a foot injury from the snare (left fore foot). (Note this is a N. diardi, the species from Sumatra and Borneo - very different markings from the mainland cats.)
Most recently, Debbie received word that someone in the small village near the park had a "tiger cub" available for sale. Apparently the cub was found by a rubber tapper in some brush in a forest edge habitat. The cub had probably been stashed by mom, but the rubber tapper brought it home in hope of selling it. Word got back to Debbie's team and they were able to track the cub down. Here it is:
The cub (unsexed) is probably around 6 weeks old and was quite dehydrated. However, it has a good appetite and seems to be doing well so far. Debbie is hoping to keep human contact with the cat to a minimum in the hopes she can release it back to the forest when it is old enough. This could be a challenge, but hopefully the shy, secretive nature of the clouded leopard will be an advantage in this case. I'll share updates with you when I receive them. Many thanks to Debbie for sharing her story with us and for dedicating her life to protecting the endangered cats of Indonesia.
OuTrop co-director Dr Susan Cheyne has been working with colleagues from
across Borneo and South East Asia to evaluate the conservation status of
8 years ago
Glad to know about the plans to rehab.
We also have two clouded leopard cubs, planning to rehab them in NE India. We have done for bears, elephants and rhinos and few other species like jungle cats, badgers etc. But first time for cloudies. Will radio collar them as well, as we do for bears.
Would like to know if any progress has been made with your clouded leopards rehab program. Keen to exchange some information on the rehab protocol.....
Ashraf, Director - Wild Rescue
Wildlife Trust of India
Email: ashraf@wti.org.in
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