Today was the much anticipated day for Josie's ultrasound. It was 28 days after her insemination so about the first chance we would have to be able to see anything. As usual, Josie was extremely cooperative so we were able to get a pretty good look. The verdict? Inconclusive. We definitely saw an unusual structure (called "suspicious" by our vet...I would have preferred "promising.") The only thing this structure could be instead of a fetus would be an abnormal kidney. However, we just ran blook work on Josie and her kidney values all looked great. We have invited a local ultrasonagrapher out next Friday to take another look. She has a state-of-the-art machine and is an expert at evaluating ultrasound images (it really takes skill to make sense out of the ultrasound blobs!)So we will wait another week until we know for sure (hopefully). So keep crossing those fingers! Here's a video montage of the ultrasound. How awesome is our Josie girl?!
OuTrop co-director Dr Susan Cheyne has been working with colleagues from
across Borneo and South East Asia to evaluate the conservation status of
8 years ago
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